The ability to move freely and efficiently while maintaining good balance and stance is one of the most crucial skills a fighter must master. Footwork allows a fighter to evade his opponent's attacks in an efficient manner. In addition, it carries a fighter into a range that he can enter into his own attacks. It is no exaggeration to say that without good motion skills, a fighter is little more than a punching bag. He can be struck at will and has little hope of successfully returning fire.
Fighters must be able to move quickly in any direction at a moment's notice. To do so, they must be in good stance. Therefore, you can see then that stance and motion are linked skills. If one is lacking, so will the other. Many students show a strong preference for showy techniques, and they have disturbingly little interest in practicing foundational skills such as stance and motion. This is a great pity; since it is the foundational skills that are really the most important to learn. They prove to be far more useful in a real fight than any of the more exciting-looking moves.
A general rule of thumb in basic motion drills is that a fighter should move with the foot that is in the same direction to where he wishes to move. For example, if you wish to move forward, step with your forward leg first, then your rear leg. If you want to move right, the right foot moves first, the left follows. At all times, your feet should brush the floor as you move, and your weight must be carried on the balls of your feet. Do not let your weight rock back onto your heels because any movement then becomes difficult.
For more MMA moves and training, visit; MMA Training and Conditioning
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