Monday, December 27, 2010

Escaping the knee-on-Belly Position - MMA Training in Illinois and Indiana

Only sightly less dangerous than the mount is the knee-on-belly position. Once again fighters face a  real danger of being beaten into submission from this position of being locked in a choke or joint lock.

When you are caught under the knee-on-belly position, a good escape method is to off-balance your opponent forward. Do this by bumping your knee into your opponent's buttocks to bring his weight forward. Your opponent will need to base out on his hands to prevent toppling over. Turn toward your opponent and shoot your arm (the one furthest from the opponent) around your leg (at the knee) that was placed on your belly. Scissor your legs and get quickly up to your knees, tackling your opponent's legs and taking him down.

For more on MMA, visit; MMA Training in Illinois and Indiana

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