1. Motion: Retreat backward to get an opponent moving in toward you. Lower your level, then shoot as he moves into you. This will create a combined velocity that makes it difficult for your opponent to successfully resist the shot.
2. Angle: Step out to one side to create and angle on your opponent. A wise angle to work with is the one in which your step outside your opponent's lead hand. This position puts you in a relatively safe place and marked the shot easier.
3.Range: Step into contact range, thus giving your opponent the opportunity to strike. As he commits to strike, lower your level and shoot into the takedown.
4. Striking: By attacking your opponent with strikes, you preoccupy him with defense and thus make the task of shooting into a takedown much easier. The jab is the best strike to set up shorts, but fighters have also used the rear cross and various kicks with some degree of success.
For more on MMA, visit; MMA Training, Workouts and Jujitsu
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