However, a second way of looking at the clinch is to see it as a last chance to keep the fight in the standing position. This view tends to be the one of fighters whose specialty lies in striking position.The primary effort of this type of fighter is to break out of clinches at the first opportunity and return the fight to the free- movement phase. What is interesting about these two different approaches to the clinch is that they both recognize two essential facts:
- The clinch plays the role of an intermediary phase of combat, somewhere between the free-movement phase and the ground-fighting phase.
- The clinch is largely unavoidable in a real fight. If two combatants are serious about fighting each other, they will almost always end up in a clinch in a short time. In a real fight, fighters face a tremendous forward pressure, which is often a shock to those whoa re not used to it. This makes it almost inevitable that they will quickly run to each other and clinch.
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