Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Implement - Naperville,Chicago, St.Charles, Aurora Wrestling

Wrestling is a series of positions one moves into, out of, or maintains. The relationship of these positions to a wrestler's opponent, the mat an the wrestler's posture in space determines whether or not an adjustment of the wrestler's position is required. Some positions are better wrestling positions than others. The constant maintenance of a good wrestling position is essential.

To participate in the sport of wrestling, it is not necessary to learn to use an implement such as a ball, racquet or bat. The implement in wrestling is the wrestler's body. Therefore, each movement pattern and position must be considered as a total body function. These functions are prepared and learned so the proper position for a wrestler's body in it;s relationship to his opponent, the mat and his own center of gravity is maintained.

For more on Wrestling in Naperville, St. Charles, and Aurora, check on this link:

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